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No Holidays

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Mr. Mills is making us write about an annoying prompt so I will write about it. I don't think they should cut out holidays because breaks are a time to catch up on all your work and to actually have a life. If they cut off weekends then people could not have time to do anything but school. They wouldn't be able to attend church which is a big thing in a lot of people's lives. The long break that would be at the end of the year would be extremely long. Students would forget stuff they learned over the year. We already have a hard time remembering over the summer if it were any longer no knowledge would be retianed. Overall I think that blogging about all this is pretty pointless. My writing skills are not improving at all and I think that this is a pretty bad idea... If you want us to improve writing skills maybe we should learn to write in English class where we are supposed to learn this stuff.

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