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Filters and Masks!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I put ink outlines on this and then erased the filter on the backround.

Filters and Masks!!!

I used Graphic pen and Lighting affects on this picture.

Filters and Masks!!!

I only used photocopy because it looked so awesome!

Filters and Masks!!!

I used Lighting affects and Reticluation.

Filters and Masks!!!

I used water paper and find edges!

Filters and Masks!!!

I put a few different kinds of blur filters and then I put a gradient to make it not show in stripes!

Filters and Masks!!!

I erased parts of it and then put stained glass and one other filter I don't remember. This used to be Chuck Norris

Filters and Masks!!!

I don't remember what filter I used but I did put a gradient on it and it makes the color of the llamas on the side show a little bit.

Filters and Masks!!!

I don't really what I used on this one either. I think I used some kind of ink thing though...

Filters and Masks!!!

I don't remember what filters I used but there were a lot of them.

Masks and Filters!

Friday, October 23, 2009

I used Emboss and Solarize!

Masks and Filters!

I used Sumi-e, Crystalize, Fragment, and Cross Hatch!

Masks and Filters!

I used Glowing edges and Wave Filters

Masks and Filters!

I used Film Grain and then Twirl!

Masks and Filters!

I used Grain, Half Tone and Sharpen. Like on most of them I undid part of the picture so some of it is the real image.

Masks and Filters!

I used Stained Glass and then I took the filter off of the Moose since you couldn't see it unless I did that

Masks and Filters!

I used only one tool because it looks so cute! I used Ocean Ripples!

Masks and Filters!

I used Extrude and Fresco.

Masks and Filters!

I used Glowing Edges and Ripple!

Filters And Masks!

Splatter, Outlines, and Cross Hatch are the tools I used!

Changing the Colour of A Rose

Thursday, October 15, 2009
I used the curves and the hue and saturation adjustments to make a red rose blue. It was actually pretty easy after I figured out what to do. The only problem is making it still look real. Also it was hard to make it not purple because there was so much red!



Eraser Tool

Today we used the eraser tool! It is fairly useful but I prefer to use selection tools and then delete that part. It was fun to make 7 different versions of the guy. On each I deleted one thing on it and replaced it with something else. I usually just used a weird colour.

Mr. Mills

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I used the brush tool, the healing tool, the cloning tool, the blur tool and the powers of my awesomness!

Pen Tool

Today we used the pen tool. It is really hard to make the curves. Then it is really hard to make it stroke the path. Then it is really hard to select it to make a vector shape. Then it is really hard to make it transparent but not to transpartent. Overall it is just really hard and I hate it!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We used the clone tool to take out the trash and to make more gophers. It was VERY easy! I was suprised on how simple it was! I liked making more gophers becasue they just pop up!
On this picture we recoloured the lips and eyes. Her eyes look alot prettier than they were before. I had an easy time doing this too. I had to help a few people figure it out!